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Do ladies foot rise and fall in the smooth dances?
Posted by Len
8/13/1999  7:46:00 AM
My partner is thoroughly confused about whether the lady rise and lowers with her feet the way the man does in the smooth dances. She was originally taught to do the same as the male dancers, i.e foot rise/fall. Then she was told to do a body/ leg rise and fall. Yet later she was told to do nothing but "breathe". Do you know the definitive answer?
re: Do ladies foot rise and fall in the smooth dances?
Posted by Jonathan Atkinson
8/31/1999  3:00:00 AM
Sriram writes:
>> Men however do have foot rise when
>> traveling backwards..

Actually, it depends on the action, and the intended result.

For example, the man normally stays on the balls of his feet while traveling backwards during a Weave action. On the other hand, he should release his toe on the first two steps of a Wave or Back Feather, but then release the heel on the third. In other words, step 2 has delayed foot rise.

That's why in my original reply, for man's backward steps I wrote "variable; depends on movement".

Jonathan Atkinson

re: Do ladies foot rise and fall in the smooth dances?
Posted by Sriram Shankar
8/30/1999  5:07:00 PM
As Jonathan points out, there is no foot rise for the woman in backwards steps. This of course is owing to the fact that she is already "up" . All other forward and side steps, same rules apply as for men. Men however do have foot rise when traveling backwards..
re: Do ladies foot rise and fall in the smooth dances?
Posted by Jonathan Atkinson
8/14/1999  5:17:00 PM
Here's the definitive answer (according to Jonathan, of course )

All applicable forward and side steps: Foot rise
All backward steps: NO foot rise

All applicable forward and side steps: Foot rise
Backward steps: Variable; Depends on movement.

Hope this helps. -- Jonathan

re: Do ladies foot rise and fall in the smooth dances?
Posted by Matyas
8/14/1999  12:39:00 AM
Hi, I do International standard so keep that in mind while you read my answer.

Yes, the lady does foot rise. However there are moves when the footwork is different for the partners and it may happen that you have foot rise while she has not. In heel turns (in IS) she has to keep her heels on the floor until the turn is completed so as I know there is a moment when you already do foo rise but she does only body rise yet.

Also the high heels allow less range in motion from the ankles for rising for the ladies. The result is that the man does bigger rise and fall.

Finally, rise and fall is used with waltz mainly. The action in other smooth dances is different, for example the slowfox uses passing feet, the VW and Quickstep are much faster and in the latter the rising happens at the end of the first Slow in a quarter turn while in waltz rising at the end of the first step would be too early on a naturel turn (or anywhere as a matter of fact).


re: Do ladies foot rise and fall in the smooth dances?
Posted by Ellen Silverthorne
8/31/1999  1:50:00 PM
My question may be related (if only tangentally). Its primarily about the first step of the Bounce Fallaway in foxtrot (International Standard), or that is to say, that is where the symptoms of whatever problem my partner and I are having seem to be most apparent. The lady I know should be steping toe-heel-toe in the first step with the R foot. I think, if I understand correctly that rise to the second toe is caused by the lateral movement of body weight causing the first bounce-like action. While I do manage to do the step correctly dancing with my instructor and also when dancing alone (though less well I fear), the real difficulty arises when dancing with my partner - when following outside our competitive routine I often mis this rise back to the toe on the first step and when dancing our routine I do it but there is something slightly forced about it.

Granted, I'm certain that words do the situation little justice but I'm wondering if perhaps anyone else has had similar difficulties and if so what advice was usuful. I also wonder if as a follower there are any excercises or practice techniques when working on my own that will help with this step. or, any practice techniques for us to employ together?

And-finally: while we're working out the difficulties what is your advice re: competition stradegy. Would you recommend doing the correct footwork regardless of the forced feel of it or following (which often results in the footwork of a regular fallaway). I realize its but a mere second's worth of dancing and I'm not exactly hung up on it but I an curious in general what approaches dancers take to competition when dancing seems forever like a "work in progress".

Many thanks for your thoughts.


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